Welcome to Littleton Elementary STEM Academy
Welcome to the online home of Littleton Elementary STEM Academy, home of the Firebirds. Located in the city of Avondale, Arizona, we are one of nine elementary schools in the Littleton Elementary School District. Our students receive instruction that is grounded in the traditional subjects, but what sets us apart are the opportunities our students have to explore problems that emphasize the use of computers to simplify solutions. All students have access to computers, which gives them access to the latest tools and software to develop the skills necessary to explore and engage relevant computer science topics, approaches, and skills, like coding and robotics.
We’ve created this website for the dedicated parents, teachers, students, and community members of Littleton Elementary STEM Academy. We hope you visit our site often to stay up to date on the exciting news and events of our school.
Use our site as a helpful resource to stay involved in your child’s education. You will find more about us and our staff, as well as answers to your most frequently asked questions here on our user-friendly site. Use our calendar to coordinate your busy schedule, and feel free to contact us anytime—we value your questions and committed interest in your child’s future.
Littleton Elementary District actively monitors the content of this website. However, should you find an error or outdated material, please contact us. You can also email us to report suspected misuse of school resources, voice your concerns, or express compliments.
A Message from Our Principal
Greetings Firebird Families and Guests,
Welcome to our school webpage. We are proud to be the oldest school in the district. Our focus is coding, and all students can engage in this activity four times a week. We have Rex Academy and Tech Smart as our partners in supporting us to deliver this to our student community. Our staff are caring and qualified adults that seek to meet the needs of all students in their classrooms through our guaranteed and viable curriculum and our All Things EQ social emotional curriculum. If you would like to learn more about our school, please call or drop by our front office. If you are an existing family that attends our school, please inquire about volunteering and tax credit donations which go to the students to support enriching their school experience. Thank you.
Educationally Yours,
Mr. Eric Atuahene
Mr. Eric Atuahene
Principal, Littleton STEM Academy